There are plenty of good times and good reasons to get a tattoo. However, there are also times when getting a tattoo should be ruled out of the question for perfectly good reasons. The situations may vary. One’s reason for not getting a tattoo at a given time may depend on their own personal feeling, the attitudes of others, things in the pipeline that may be affected by getting a tattoo, and more. There are also certain physical circumstances which make getting a tattoo a very bad idea, although for the most part these are generally temporary.

If you do not feel 100% certain about a tattoo for any reason – the fact of getting the tattoo itself, or the design not being quite as you’d like it – then you should not let the needles touch your skin. It’s going to be there for the rest of your life, so do not get a tattoo you might not be happy with. You should also take into account what other people say. Not just random people, but your family and friends may have legitimate concerns for how the tattoo could impact on your life.

It is also a very bad idea to get a tattoo when you are drunk. This is not just because alcohol is the mother and father of many a bad decision, but also because it can cause any wound – even the small ones made by a tattoo needle – to bleed more profusely. The same is true of any medication which thins the blood.

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