When it comes to tatoo designs you're going to have to face the fact that you might never find the perfect tattoo. It's not that awesome tatoo designs don't exist, it's that there are so freakin many great tattoos from awesome artists all over the world that it is virtually impossible to sort through them all in a single lifetime. Really, you could look at thousands of tattoo designs every day for years and never even get close to seeing even a fraction of them. Luckily, you're not stuck with all bad news when it comes to finding the perfect art for your next tat.

Maybe I'm just the anal retentive type. I figure if I'm going to wear this thing until I'm dead, it better be completely killer - something I want everyone to see. I certainly don't want to be stuck with a bad tat that I'm trying to hide a few months down the road. And hiding a tattoo is bad business. If it's in a private spot you're stuck with intimacy in the dark, if it's on an arm you're dealing with long sleeves in summer. And feet and ankles for women? Forget it, you're never going to get to ear cool sexy shoes again.
Tattoo artist Grisha Maslov 2010Image via Wikipedia
So I'm pretty picky when it comes to what I put on my body, even more so than what I put in my mouth. A bad tat isn't going to make you sick or kill you, but it can lead to a whole big pile of "holy crap why did I do that!" That's why I only have a few tats, I'm certainly not going for any records. And I never mess around with tatoo artists that don't really blow me away.

What I've found is that there are two ways to find the perfect tatoo designs. One is by looking at a whole lot of really good designs, the other is by finding a fiendishly good artist to ink them. Unfortunately, neither one is cheap. But I figure that spending a little more now can lead to years and years of loving a tattoo, while being cheap can leave you wanting it off in just a few days.

That's why it's always a good idea to sign up for a couple of really good tattoo art sites when you're serious about finding a great tattoo. What you can't do all by yourself, looking at millions of tats, thousands of other people have done. Tattoo collection online have lots of tatoo designs, won't cost you a fortune, and all the really crappy ones have already been thrown out. It turns the problem from trying to find enough tatoo designs to look at into how in the world will you ever decide between all the great ones?

Finally, never scrimp on the artist. And unfortunately this is going to mean meeting maybe more of them than you would like and even traveling to find the very best ones. It's also going to mean some time tracking down folks they have inked and checking out the finished product on the skin. There's guys who can draw and guys (and of course, gals) who can really ink. They aren't always the same. So get yourself a good collection and find a great artist and your next tatoo design is sure to be awesome for a lifetime.

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